Inexpensive Ways to Market Your Company

  • Business Cards – first impression you make on a potential client…make it a good one. Well designed business cards printed on quality paper are one of your least expensive forms of advertising

Join your local Chamber of Commerce – this helps support your local business community while providing numerous networking opportunities for you. Many times the cost for your membership includes networking events, luncheons, Coffee Contacts, after hours events. Our local chambers have Hot Deals where you can post specials on their website – yours may too. You can be a Sponsor for a luncheon or Business After Hours to get more exposure. Some local chambers have Expos where you can set up a vendor table.

Email Blast – it is inexpensive to use an email company such as Constant Contact (discount for chamber members) or Get Response and they will monitor your response and open rates.

Say Thank You – always remember to say Thank You! Postcards are less expensive than thank you cards – or send them with email for free.

Calendars – are a great way to keep you name in front of your clients and prospects 365 days a year. You will find if you give out calendars, it is a yearly commitment…people will call you next year for their new calendar. How great is that!

Collaborate – whose target audience is the same as yours and share the cost of advertising. You will both benefit!

Join Affiliate Organizations – this is a great way to stay up to date in your industry. You may even meet someone in a completely different area that would be willing to share tips with you.

Google Ads / Facebook Ads – an inexpensive way to advertise and keep your name out there.

Newsletters – email newsletters help you keep in touch with clients and let them know what is going on in your company and in your industry. The easiest way to send online newsletters is through an online service such as Get Response or Constant Contact. They offer templates to give your newsletter a polished look.

Magnetic Signs / Vehicle Lettering – don’t waste advertising exposure.

Websites / Mobile Websites – all businesses need a web presence. Wether it is a simple website stating who you are and how to contact you or an elaborate website with e-commerce capabilities.

Mobile Marketing – text messaging is another great way to communicate with your customers and prospective customers.

Blog – writing a blog can help customers keep up-to-date on changes in your industry or in your company. It can help your Google ratings because you will be adding fresh content to your site. It can help clients and potential clients know that your are an expert in your field. Share your knowledge and watch your business grow!

Free Ways to Market Your Business

Below you will find 6 ways to market your business for free. Take advantage of all of them and make the most of your marketing so that you get recognized and remembered. After, you can’t sell a secret!

FREE Listings: People are looking for your products or services, make sure your business is listed and that your listing is correct on the following FREE sites:

Social Media – you should have a business page on Facebook. You should also consider: Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube – you can choose the best platforms for your business.

Blog – This is a great way to let people know who you are and what you do. Share your knowledge! Become an expert in your field. There are many sites that allow you to blog for free ( or organizations that are looking for people to blog on their sites.

Infographics – Information in a graphic form. Infographics can be used in place of text in your blog. It makes it easy for people to quickly grasp what you are saying without reading paragraphs of text.

Press Release – write a press release when something is newsworthy and send it to local newspapers or magazines in your field. It may result in an article. If you don’t know how to write a press release, you can hire a professional to write it for you. It will be worth every cent if you get an article out of it!

QR Codes – free QR code generator – huge marketing potential. Use it on your marketing pieces to drive traffic where you want them to go…better yet, capture it and track it!

How to Get Your Mailings Read

At Handouts we work hard to get you recognized and remembered and a great way to do that is to think outside the box when it comes to your Direct Mail Campaign after all, if no one is reading your material no one is responding to it! Here are a few tips to help you get your marketing materials read:

Use color!

People are bombarded by advertisements from the moment their alarm goes off in the morning, you need to make sure your materials cut through some of that clutter and get you noticed! You may have beautiful marketing materials, but if you mail them in a plain old white envelope with black print all your clients and perspective clients will see is junk mail. Besides if you are paying to print the envelope anyway why not use it to its full potential. The price difference to print the back of the envelope is very minimal especially when you take into consideration that it is another opportunity to make an impression on your clients. Add customer testimonials, your companies tagline, an interesting statistic about your company…you are only limited by your imagination.

Add a promotional product to your mailings. People will almost always open a three dimensional envelope just to see what’s inside. According to the Direct Marketing Association (DMA), the response rate for dimensional mailing outperforms all other types of direct marketing.

  • Letter size mailer to a house list 4.28%
  • Pay to Click Advertising 5.27%
  • Email Marketing 7.26%
  • Dimensional Mailing 8.51% to 30%

With almost 1 million products to choose form Handouts can help you find the perfect fit for your budget.

Choose the right type of printed piece. Depending on your mailing needs a postcard may be a better option for you than something in an envelope. Full color postcards are very inexpensive and the advantage of mailing a postcard is that everyone that comes in contact with it sees your logo and your message, there is no envelope barrier for them to get through. A full color oversize postcard is especially good at grabbing people’s attention.

Consider sending standard (bulk rate) or every door direct to save money. You can supply the mailing list or you can tell us who you want to reach and we can supply a mailing list to meet your demographics. Whatever your mailing needs at Handouts…We Do That!