Work ON Your Business not IN it

With all of the social distancing, I realize that this is most likely a slow time for your business, but now is the perfect time to work ON your business not IN your business. This slow time will pass and you will be busy again, so take full advantage of this time to schedule your marketing for the year. You will need a strong marketing plan to recover quickly.

Something to think about when you work on your marketing plan is partnerships.

Small business is the backbone of America and we should band together to build each other up.

NOW is the perfect time to partner with other businesses in your area to cross promote.

You can do this by:

  • Sharing Ad Space – this will cut the cost in half
  • Send out a Postcard Mailing – you each get 1/2 of postcard and pay 1/2 of the cost
  • Boost each other in Social Media – this is FREE to both of you
  • Send an Email Blast to your “partner” and have them send it to their mailing list (you do the same for them). You are not sharing your mailing lists, you are each sending it out for the other.

The point is, to help each other to grow. We are all in the same situation but we can stronger together.

Some examples of businesses that can partner together:

A realtor can partner with the flooring company. Many times the people that buy a home are going to want to change the floors in their new home; sometimes people are buy new flooring because they want to sell their house – perfect fit.

A dental office or orthodontist can partner with a beauty salon or nail salon, you are both in the business of making people look good.

An Oil change company or car repair shop can partner with a restaurant. You are both targeting the same customers and your non-competing businesses. When a customer comes in for a repair, give them an ad for the other business and they can do the same for you.

A home remodeling company partner with a cleaning company or carpet cleaner. It is a good fit and a non-competing business. Once the remodeling is done, the homeowner may want to clean their carpet; when they are getting carpets cleaned, homeowners may mention that they are looking to remodel.

A movie theater can partner with a restaurant or pizza shop. What is better than pizza and a movie . . . it’s like chocolate and peanut butter!

Take a minute to think outside of the box, who targets the same people that you target? That’s who you want to talk to. I hope I gave you something to think about today and good luck with your marketing plan!

Remember to like our Facebook page so that you see our Marketing Minute video every Wednesday!